Save 6+ Hours Marking GCSE Exams
Scan, Upload & have the results within 1 hour.
Current marking benchmark: 85-95% similarity to UK schools
Teacher Hours Saved
How It Works
Our streamlined process makes exam marking efficient and hassle-free
Step 1: Scan
Step 1: Scan
Simply scan your students' exam papers using any standard scanner or smartphone camera. Our system supports PDF files.
Step 2: Upload
Step 2: Upload
Upload your scanned papers to our secure platform. Our custom AI Agent begins analysis and grading immediately, each school gets a tailored system for increased precision and similarity to your marking scheme to your marking.
Step 3: Email
Step 3: Email
Within an hour, receive comprehensive analysis directly to your inbox containing red, amber and green coloured data sheet with student feedback reports aligned to the curriculum with A1, B1 and M1dep marks.
AI-Agents Designed to Analyse Mathematics Exams
Data how you would expect it, M1dep, A1, B0 and all common marking domains for the UK national curriculum are supported.
Progress Students Faster Than Ever Before
Receive your data within 24 hours, allowing students to progress faster and reduce the time to act which is critical in education pedagogy
Saving Schools Money
Our AI-Agents come at an affordable cost that is much less costly than having your most valuable resource, your staff, work overwhelming hours on marking when they have behaviour and teaching to complete
Working With Exam Boards
We are working hard to support every possible UK qualification and also unique ones that the community has created, follow our newsletter to stay up to date.
Exam Boards
Supported ✅
Supported ✅
Supported ✅
Coming 2025
Coming Soon
Britain First Company, Data Stored In the UK
GDPR and privacy is serious when dealing with institutions and students which is why we invest into making sure all core services run from UK cloud servers and we follow the UK's guidance on Cyber essentials for technical security controls. ISO27001 application pending.
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